Valley Briefs: Hope Backpack | Danville's Purple Heart Community Title | Old House Plaque | Grand Opening of the Skating Rink | News | Danville |

2021-11-25 10:54:14 By : Mr. tengzhong tec

Janita Lehman/ Danville San Ramon

Upload time: Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 9:04 PM 0 Reading time: about 3 minutes

The non-profit Nephrotic Syndrome Foundation (NSF), headquartered in San Ramon, launched its annual "B. Hope" donation event on November 1st, which will continue until December 31st.

Andy Callaway, founder of the National Science Foundation. (Photo courtesy of the Nephrotic Syndrome Foundation)

NSF aims to provide support and services to patients and their families suffering from nephrotic syndrome, a rare and incurable autoimmune disease that causes the kidneys to stop functioning.

Funds raised by the ongoing B. Hope campaign are used for the organization's "Backpacks of Hope" program, which provides backpacks filled with personalized items for patients with nephrotic syndrome.

NSF President and Founder Andi Callaway said: "Each backpack is filled with comfort and medical supplies, and then shipped to children diagnosed with NS." "In this unique battle, these hope backpacks Provides personal connections for countless families."

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The foundation hopes to provide a total of 400 backpacks to nephrotic syndrome patients in the current fundraising activities by the end of this year. Last Friday and Saturday, about 100 volunteers gathered at the Danville Community Presbyterian Church to prepare 200 personalized backpacks.

In addition to volunteer efforts, local retailers also collaborated with NSF to carry out this activity.

"When I first heard the story of Andi Callaway, I couldn't believe how many families were affected by nephrotic syndrome and these children lacked available support," said Courtney Cruey, owner of Beyond Active, a local sportswear retailer. "I am inspired by Andi's enthusiasm and I am very excited to be part of NSF's work and fundraising activities. Beyond Active looks forward to achieving the NSF Backpacks of Hope goal this year!"

After her son was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome, Callaway founded NSF in 2017. In addition to his shock at the diagnosis, Callaway was also shocked by the lack of information and support for the family and patients of the disease, and established the NSF, hoping to provide other people affected by the disease with support that is not available elsewhere.

For more information about NSF and B. Hope events, please visit here

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The town of Danville will hold a ceremony on this year’s Veterans’ Day (November 11) and officially designate it as the Purple Heart Community, aiming to further highlight and consolidate the town’s commitment to serving veterans.

Danville Town Manager Diane Friedmann (Diane Friedmann) said: "The upcoming designation of Purple Heart City is the latest event in our commitment to the veteran community."

Danville Mayor Renee Morgan said in an email: “Due to the pandemic, it took me 8 months to get the appointment process.” “I started at the national level and ended up with Charles of the Northern California Chapter. ·The people on earth have established a connection."

The title of the Purple Heart Community aims to emphasize the community’s efforts to support veterans and recognize the losses suffered by those who were injured or died in the fighting and their families.

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Morgan said: "We... continue to express our infinite gratitude and support to our strong and resilient military family." "They have endured great sacrifices, shouldered the greatest burden of every loss, and instilled lasting in each of us. Love and respect."

The Purple Heart Medal is taken from the military award granted to soldiers to recognize their sacrifice and commitment to duty on the battlefield. Morgan pointed out that her father was a Vietnam War veteran who had earned four shares before dying of cancer related to Agent Orange.

The Purple Heart Community Designation Ceremony in Danville is scheduled to be held at the Veterans Memorial Building at 1:00 pm on Thursday.

The Danville Heritage Resources Committee will unveil two new plaques at the historic Love House and Osborn House this Saturday (November 13), and hold back-to-back ceremonies at each location.

The plaque of the Osborn House at Diablo Road and Sierra Lane will be unveiled at 11:30 am, and will be unveiled at the Love House at 357 Love Lane at noon.

Grand opening of the ice rink in the city center

San Ramon’s Kristi Yamaguchi skating rink in the City Centre Bishop Ranch will open on November 17th. In addition to the start of the winter skating season, the event will also commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Yamaguchi Forever Dream Foundation, which aims to support literacy for children in need.

Yamaguchi will appear at the grand opening of the ice rink with San Ramon Mayor Dave Hudson and Sunset Development Company Chairman Alex Mehran. In addition, singer-songwriter and Danville native Sophie Pecora (Sophie Pecora) rose to fame during America's Got Talent, and she plans to perform on stage in a special performance.

The grand opening of the Kristi Yamaguchi skating rink in the city center on November 17th will be 4:30 pm, and the celebration will begin at 5:30 pm. For more information, including pre-booking ice skating, please click here.

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Janita Lehman/ Danville San Ramon

Uploaded: Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 9:04 PM Hope Backpack, the non-profit Nephrotic Syndrome Foundation (NSF) headquartered in San Ramon, launched its annual "B. Hope" donation event on November 1. The event will continue until December. 31. NSF aims to provide support and services to patients and their families with nephrotic syndrome, a rare, incurable, autoimmune disease that can cause the kidneys to stop functioning. Funds raised by the ongoing B. Hope campaign are used for the organization's "Backpacks of Hope" program, which provides backpacks filled with personalized items for patients with nephrotic syndrome. NSF President and Founder Andi Callaway said: "Each backpack is filled with comfort and medical supplies, and then shipped to children diagnosed with NS." "In this unique battle, these hope backpacks It has provided personal connections for countless families.” The foundation hopes to provide a total of 400 backpacks to patients with nephrotic syndrome in the current fundraising campaign before the end of this year. Last Friday and Saturday, about 100 volunteers gathered at the Danville Community Presbyterian Church to prepare 200 personalized backpacks. In addition to volunteer efforts, local retailers also collaborated with NSF to carry out this activity. "When I first heard the story of Andi Callaway, I couldn't believe how many families were affected by nephrotic syndrome and these children lacked available support," said Courtney Cruey, owner of Beyond Active, a local sportswear retailer. "I was inspired by Andi's enthusiasm to be part of NSF's work and fundraising activities. I am very excited. Beyond Active looks forward to achieving the NSF Backpacks of Hope goal this year!" After her son was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome , Callaway founded NSF in 2017. In addition to his shock at the diagnosis, Callaway was also shocked by the lack of information and support for the family and patients of the disease, and established the NSF, hoping to provide other people affected by the disease with support that is not available elsewhere. More information about NSF and B. Hope activities can be found here to highlight and strengthen the town’s commitment to serving veterans. Danville Town Manager Diane Friedmann (Diane Friedmann) said: "The upcoming designation of Purple Heart City is the latest event in our commitment to the veteran community." Danville Mayor Renee Morgan The email said: “Due to the pandemic, it took me 8 months to get the designation process.” “I started at the national level and eventually established contact with Charles Earthman of the Northern California chapter.” Purple Heart Community The title is intended to emphasize the community’s efforts to support veterans and recognize the losses suffered by those who were injured or killed in the fighting and their families. Morgan said: "We... continue to express our infinite gratitude and support to our strong and resilient military family." "They have endured great sacrifices, shouldered the greatest burden of every loss, and instilled lasting in each of us. Love and respect." The Purple Heart Medal is taken from the military award granted to soldiers to recognize their sacrifice and commitment to duty on the battlefield. Morgan pointed out that her father was a Vietnam War veteran who had earned four shares before dying of cancer related to Agent Orange. The Purple Heart Community Designation Ceremony in Danville is scheduled to be held at the Veterans Memorial Building at 1 pm on Thursday. Plaques for historic buildings The Danville Heritage Resources Committee will unveil two new plaques at the historic Love House and Osborn House this Saturday (November 13), and hold back-to-back ceremonies at each location. The plaque of Osborn House at Diablo Road and Sierra Lane will be unveiled at 11:30 am, and will be unveiled at the Love House at 357 Love Lane at noon. The Downtown Ice Rink Grand Opening The Christie Pass Ice Rink at the Bishop's Ranch in downtown San Ramon will open on November 17th. In addition to kicking off the winter skating season, the event will also commemorate the 25th anniversary of Yamaguchi’s Forever Dream Foundation, which aims to support the literacy of children in poverty. Yamaguchi will appear at the grand opening of the ice rink with San Ramon Mayor Dave Hudson and Sunset Development Company Chairman Alex Mehran. In addition, singer-songwriter and Danville native Sophie Pecora (Sophie Pecora) rose to fame during America's Got Talent, and she plans to perform on stage in a special performance. The grand opening of the Kristi Yamaguchi skating rink in the city center on November 17th will be 4:30 pm, and the celebration will begin at 5:30 pm. For more information, including pre-booking ice skating, please click here.

The non-profit Nephrotic Syndrome Foundation (NSF), headquartered in San Ramon, launched its annual "B. Hope" donation event on November 1st, which will continue until December 31st.

NSF aims to provide support and services to patients and their families suffering from nephrotic syndrome, a rare and incurable autoimmune disease that causes the kidneys to stop functioning.

Funds raised by the ongoing B. Hope campaign are used for the organization's "Backpacks of Hope" program, which provides backpacks filled with personalized items for patients with nephrotic syndrome.

NSF President and Founder Andi Callaway said: "Each backpack is filled with comfort and medical supplies, and then shipped to children diagnosed with NS." "In this unique battle, these hope backpacks Provides personal connections for countless families."

The foundation hopes to provide a total of 400 backpacks to nephrotic syndrome patients in the current fundraising activities by the end of this year. Last Friday and Saturday, about 100 volunteers gathered at the Danville Community Presbyterian Church to prepare 200 personalized backpacks.

In addition to volunteer efforts, local retailers also collaborated with NSF to carry out this activity.

"When I first heard the story of Andi Callaway, I couldn't believe how many families were affected by nephrotic syndrome and these children lacked available support," said Courtney Cruey, owner of Beyond Active, a local sportswear retailer. "I am inspired by Andi's enthusiasm and I am very excited to be part of NSF's work and fundraising activities. Beyond Active looks forward to achieving the NSF Backpacks of Hope goal this year!"

After her son was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome, Callaway founded NSF in 2017. In addition to his shock at the diagnosis, Callaway was also shocked by the lack of information and support for the family and patients of the disease, and established the NSF, hoping to provide other people affected by the disease with support that is not available elsewhere.

For more information about NSF and B. Hope events, please visit here

The town of Danville will hold a ceremony on this year’s Veterans’ Day (November 11) and officially designate it as the Purple Heart Community, aiming to further highlight and consolidate the town’s commitment to serving veterans.

Danville Town Manager Diane Friedmann (Diane Friedmann) said: "The upcoming designation of Purple Heart City is the latest event in our commitment to the veteran community."

Danville Mayor Renee Morgan said in an email: “Due to the pandemic, it took me 8 months to get the appointment process.” “I started at the national level and ended up with Charles of the Northern California Chapter. ·The people on earth have established a connection."

The title of the Purple Heart Community aims to emphasize the community’s efforts to support veterans and recognize the losses suffered by those who were injured or died in the fighting and their families.

Morgan said: "We... continue to express our infinite gratitude and support to our strong and resilient military family." "They have endured great sacrifices, shouldered the greatest burden of every loss, and instilled lasting in each of us. Love and respect."

The Purple Heart Medal is taken from the military award granted to soldiers to recognize their sacrifice and commitment to duty on the battlefield. Morgan pointed out that her father was a Vietnam War veteran who had earned four shares before dying of cancer related to Agent Orange.

The Purple Heart Community Designation Ceremony in Danville is scheduled to be held at the Veterans Memorial Building at 1:00 pm on Thursday.

The Danville Heritage Resources Committee will unveil two new plaques at the historic Love House and Osborn House this Saturday (November 13), and hold back-to-back ceremonies at each location.

The plaque of the Osborn House at Diablo Road and Sierra Lane will be unveiled at 11:30 am, and will be unveiled at the Love House at 357 Love Lane at noon.

Grand opening of the ice rink in the city center

San Ramon’s Kristi Yamaguchi skating rink in the City Centre Bishop Ranch will open on November 17th. In addition to the start of the winter skating season, the event will also commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Yamaguchi Forever Dream Foundation, which aims to support literacy for children in need.

Yamaguchi will appear at the grand opening of the ice rink with San Ramon Mayor Dave Hudson and Sunset Development Company Chairman Alex Mehran. In addition, singer-songwriter and Danville native Sophie Pecora (Sophie Pecora) rose to fame during America's Got Talent, and she plans to perform on stage in a special performance.

The grand opening of the Kristi Yamaguchi skating rink in the city center on November 17th will be 4:30 pm, and the celebration will begin at 5:30 pm. For more information, including pre-booking ice skating, please click here.

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